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"Any tips on training two pups at a time? I’ve only had them for a week now. They still don’t know their names but one learned how to sit while the other just wants to play all the time."
"All of a sudden my dog getting a little jerky when he meets people (men). He’ll bark and growl and people are afraid. This is new. What can I do to curb this?"
"Tips on getting my puppy to walk? She just sits down, I have treats, and she'll come forward for the treat, then stop and sit again."

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163 items found

  • Product Review: Twister Food Puzzle

    ✔️ Helps prevent boredom ✔️ Slows down eating ✔️ Burns mental energy This food puzzle makes for an excellent outlet for your dog's mental energy on a daily basis! The Twister Food Puzzle is one of the most challenging puzzles, however, you can make it easier for your dog by not locking the sides at first. Supervised play is recommended. If your dog resorts to chewing, switch to a more physical game/activity before trying again. Strongly recommend it! 10/10

  • Product Review: Casino Food Puzzle

    ✔️ Helps prevent boredom ✔️ Slows down eating ✔️ Burns mental energy Similar to other food puzzles, but a bit more advanced as it contains an optional added level of difficulty that allows you to lock the little drawers your dog will need to open to get the treats out. This food puzzle will require that your dog uses both his nose and paws to unlock and open each drawer. Supervised play is recommended. If your dog resorts to chewing, switch to a more physical game/activity before trying again. Strongly recommend it! 10/10

  • Product Review: Rope Toys

    ✔️ Helps burn physical energy ✔️ Strengthens your bond with your dog ✔️ Provides different textures to chew on Strengthen your bond with your dog by playing tug-and-pull-like games using these rope toys! Physical games don't encourage aggression or any unwanted behaviour. These types of games are normal and common for dogs, as they help strengthen your trust and comfort with each other while ensuring your dog gets to scratch their need to play using their entire body. Games like these only become a problem when puppies or dogs don't know when/how to end and relax. Help them do just that by providing them with a snuffle mat and a frozen Kong once you can tell that they're feeling tired before they start feeling overtired (which is where they can get more nippy and rough). Please do make sure that you keep in mind your dog's play style, especially while they're really young, so as to not scare or overwhelm them. While their adult teeth aren't grown in yet, please make sure you opt for rope toys that aren't too hard, similar to how Kongs come in different levels depending on your puppy's age. Recommended! 9.8/10

  • Product Review: Agility Training Equipment

    ✔️ Builds on you & your dog's existing bond ✔️ Useful both indoors & outdoors Got a really smart and energetic dog? Agility equipment is one of the easiest ways to turn your home or backyard into the most fun and engaging environment for you and your dog! You can keep the exercises light and easy, as you and your dog learn to work together to accomplish your goals, while further strengthening your bond and focus together. Definitely recommend! 10/10

  • Product Review: Cooling Mats

    ✔️ Helps your dog cool off during warm weather or after physical games and exercises ✔️ Feeling cool will allow your dog to more easily be able to rest/sleep Place the cooling mat inside your freezer and bring it out whenever you think your dog might be feeling a bit too warm, especially during summer, and particularly if you have a medium/long-haired breed. Most useful for highly active dogs, and medium and long-haired breeds. 9.5/10

  • Product Review: Dog Water Bottle

    ✔️ Serves as an additional treat and reward that you provide for your dog ✔️ Provides you with an extra opportunity to engage with your dog while monitoring their water intake There are never too many instances where you can take a moment to reconnect with your dog and share a treat together. This treat in this instance is water and if you have a puppy, you can use this water bottle to keep track of their daily intake, to better prevent unwanted potty training accidents. Must-have! 10/10

  • Product Review: Crate Cover

    ✔️ Darkens crate area & minimizes noise, helping your dog sleep better/for longer ✔️ Similar to a den-like environment Crate covers are amazing for dogs to be able to have their own den-like room that will encourage better and longer sleep! Puppies will have an easier time sleeping in a setup that is darker and cooler, so a crate cover can be a great tool to help encourage your puppy to want to spend time in it! Must-have! 10/10

  • Product Review: Furbo Dog Camera

    ✔️ Allows you to reward calm behaviour at a distance ✔️ Allows you to supervise your dog as you create distance The Furbo Dog Camera can definitely be an asset when first training and preventing separation anxiety. Mainly because it allows you to see what and how your dog is reacting to their environment while you're away. Being able to respond early and fast enough can help you prevent unwanted behaviours. Useful for households with dogs staying alone for long periods of time! 8.5/10

  • 5 Must-Have Dog Training Tools In 2023

    5 Must-Have Dog Training Tools In 2023 There are so many products available to help you train your puppy or dog that it can make it tough to know where to begin. Here are 5 dog training items I strongly recommend. None of these rely on negative/corrections or punishment and will be sure to help you maintain a great relationship with your dog! 1. Food Puzzles and Snuffle Mats Though food puzzles and snuffle mats are meant to be used more for feeding, enrichment, and mental stimulation, rather than for dog training, I've included them because these can truly make a world of difference by providing your dog with healthy outlets to their mental energy, which will help them have an easier time focusing during training sessions, as well as taking a break from them and learning how to unwind/regulate their feelings whenever you're both taking a break from your training session. 2. Harnesses There are many different types of harnesses available, but one I prefer using above most is the Freedom (No Pull) Harness, mainly due to the adjustable straps and that it has two clips for your dog's leash to go on. You don't need to use both unless you have a heavy puller, but I definitely prefer using the front clip the most, especially when first starting, as I find it more easily helps guide a dog towards you and walk with you. An important thing to note with harnesses, no matter the harness you choose, is that what will ultimately lead to your dog walking well with it is proper dog training and ongoing access to proper and new physical and mental enrichment outlets. Pairing positive reinforcement with harnesses, as well as practice, patience, and dedication, you will be able to reach your goals! 3. Dog Training/Treat Pouch The most valuable part of a dog training treat pouch may be the treats for your dogs, but for you is what it represents: timing! Having easy and quick access to a treat (aka a gold star) for when your dog happens to do something you like is key. Whether it's simply that your dog chose to sit or lay down, or go in their crate without being asked, all and more are wanted behaviours that you want to reinforce, and a treat-filled pouch (you can/should use kibble too) is one of the most practical ways to do it! 4. Tug & Pull Toys You may be thinking that I'm recommending toys so that your dog can play with them, but I'm really suggesting you get them, especially tug-and-pull toys so that your dog can play WITH you! There is so much bonding, trust, and communication that gets built on and reinforced in a positive and fun way when you play with your dog. If you're unsure what safe and proper play looks like, it's important to reach out to your trainer so they can advise. Just like us, there's a time and place for everything, and making sure that your dog and you are playing at the right time and in the right way will only guarantee you success. Yes, dogs should also be able to play on their own, especially when you're busy. But in order to be as successful as possible with dog training, you want to make sure that you've also truly worked on establishing a great relationship that will encourage and motivate your dog to listen and WANT to train with YOU! 5. Kongs Kongs are the icing on the cake! After you've provided your dog with mental stimulation outlets (puzzles, snuffle mats, training classes, even nosework!) as well as physical stimulation exercises (fetch, tug and pull games, agility training), dogs don't always know exactly how to help themselves calm down and feel relaxed. This is where items like Kongs and licking mats become super handy. Gnawing, chewing, and licking help dogs, especially puppies, mellow out and be able to settle on their own. BONUS TIP! I strongly recommend considering getting and putting a cat bell on your dog (especially during puppyhood) so that if your dog is sleeping and you hear the bell, it may mean that they're waking up so that you can take them out for a bathroom break and/or can provide them with attention and what they need before they feel the need to practice having to come to you and potentially bark, whine or nip at you to get something to happen. Think of the bells as a 'heads up!', so that your dog learns with time that everything he/she needs is provided first and foremost through patience and waiting, trusting that you know what and when they need things from you.

  • Why Is My Dog Getting Into Trouble?

    Try this food puzzle to prevent their brain and mind from looking for something else to do, as well as redirect them to do something more productive instead! Food puzzles are amazing for puppies and dogs of any age, breed, and size. Their main purpose is to provide dogs with a fun meal-time outlet for their mental energy, which then helps them feel more at ease and relaxed, thus reducing the likelihood that your dog will 'get into trouble'. Our belief, and based on our experience, most dogs do things we don't like due to daily boredom, and/or simply not knowing what else to do instead with their time and energy. When to provide a food puzzle? The best time to provide a food puzzle is after you've done some physically stimulating exercises with your dog. Such as going for a walk or run, playing tug & pull, fetch, a fun game of wrestle, or even some agility training. The very first time you're introducing your dog to food puzzles, it's best to make it as easy as possible and let them find high-value (aka tasty!) treats inside it. Pro tip: To avoid having to purchase multiple puzzles of different levels, start with an intermediate or advanced puzzle as it's not generally tough to make them super easy for your dog at first. From then on, a good habit is to not only supervise your dog's usage of their puzzles, mainly so that you can put it away once they've figured it out and/or when they're done eating their meal. You also want to watch for how they're going about figuring out their puzzle. If they start chewing it out of frustration or overexcitement, it would be best to redirect them to an easier activity like a snuffle mat. This is also why it's best to use puzzles and most mental enrichment toys after your dog has had a chance to let go of some pent-up physical energy. For an extremely confident and capable dog, you can combine a calming mask (be sure to socialize them to it first and that they're feeling 110% comfortable wearing it) with the activity of a puzzle or snuffle mat so that your dog relies purely on their nose, and less on his eyes.

Ready to put an end to leash pulling?


Receive my leash training guide, which shares my go-to solutions and tools that I use to prevent and manage leash pulling. Put these recommendations into place today, and you’ll see immediate results.

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