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Building Focus and Bonding with Chino: Leash Training

Building Focus and Bonding with Chino: Leash Training

Around a year ago, I had the pleasure of working with Chino, a curious and affectionate pup, on leash training and other foundational exercises. Our primary goal was to establish focus and communication, even with distractions present.

We began with a focus exercise at the door, a crucial step to help Chino understand that my attention and affection are rewards. Despite the sounds outside, Chino remained curious but calm, offering me brief eye contact which I rewarded with affection instead of treats. This approach was intentional, as it was his first time here, and I wanted him to feel comfortable before introducing treats.

As we progressed, Chino began to understand that turning towards me and giving me his attention led to positive interactions. His parents mentioned his affectionate nature, and I leveraged this by using my affection as a treat. This method proved effective as he started to anticipate and enjoy our interactions.

To further build his focus, we practiced with the door open. Chino's curiosity was evident, but he consistently refocused on me, a sign that he was starting to understand the exercise. This mentally stimulating activity not only tired him out but also reinforced our bond.

We also introduced enrichment activities to see how Chino responded to problem-solving tasks. Although he wasn't very interested in food initially, he engaged with interactive toys, which helped build his confidence and mental agility.

Our next step involved leash training with the door wide open. I observed how Chino reacted and whether he chose to return to me voluntarily. His curiosity persisted, but he also gave me his attention, which I rewarded generously. This exercise is vital for creating a bond and ensuring he remains attentive during walks.

Remember, incorporating physical play and interactive games into your routine is essential. These activities not only tire out your dog but also strengthen your bond, making training more effective and enjoyable. Chino's progress on day one was promising, and I'm excited to continue building on this foundation.


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