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Loose Leash Walking: Building Connection, Not Compliance
Loose leash walking is about connection, not control. Here’s how to build a positive, cooperative walking experience with your dog.

Dog Reactivity: Managing Distractions & Social Interactions
When working with a dog who’s easily distracted or nervous around other dogs, it’s very important to understand that each dog has..

5 Steps to Encourage Calm Moments & Emotional Regulation
Discover how to reinforce emotional regulation naturally, especially in social settings, to encourage calm responses and thinking skills.

Product Review: Activity Matz Garden Game
A snuffle mat like this one can easily replace your dog's bowl (and I recommend you do) as a more engaging way for your dog to search and..

Helping Your Dog Relax During Dinner Time
Does your dog have a tough time remaining calm and relaxed when it’s human dinner time?

Your Dog’s Bed: There’s a Time and a Place
Teaching your dogs by forming proper associations is key. One example of this is your dog's bed. You can prevent destructive behaviours...

(Small Dogs) When to Pickup Your Dog While on Walks
Here are a few day to day scenarios where I think it's more than okay to pick your little one up!

"My dog dislikes my partner/friend/family.. Help!"
It’s tough dealing with a situation where your little one is generally social and friendly with most. But yet, for one reason or another..

Separation Anxiety: 5 Steps/Ideas to Consider
Separation Anxiety: 5 Steps/Ideas to Consider
Separation anxiety is a popular topic when it comes to dog training, or raising a dog in..

(Podcast) #PetParentsAsk Ep. 7: How Do I Reward My Puppy Without Getting Them Excited?
New puppy mom as of a few weeks ago and saying that it's been hard is an understatement. I understand the concept of praising good..

How Can I Make It So My Dog Likes His Crate?
When it comes to crate training, and the overall association with dogs, there’s a common misconception that a create is meant to provide..

The 5 Reasons Your Puppy Is Crying In The Crate & What You Can Do About It
Crate training is no easy task!
Your schedule is hectic and unpredictable. Some days you have more energy, patience, and time than others.

When to Use a Kong/Chew Toy?
We’re all familiar with Kongs and chewing toys and other dog products that allow our pups and dogs to have a designated item or two to chew

(Quick Answer) 5 Reasons to Let Your Dog Sniff on Walks
1. It’s the dog version of scrolling through social media to see what’s up, who has been where, and what’s going on in the area.

(✅ Step by Step) Do This If Your Dog Resource Guards
Resource guarding is a very common and normal behaviour for dogs. It's never done from a place of wanting to hurt others, but rather..

Why is my dog hyper? (And what to do about it)
There may be a few possibilities to consider. The first and most common one could be that your dog may be feeling bored. That said..

Product Review: Crate Cover
Crate covers are amazing for dogs to be able to have their own den-like room that will encourage better and longer sleep!
Puppies will..

Product Review: Dog Water Bottle
There are never too many instances where you can take a moment to reconnect with your dog and share a treat together.
Product Review: Cooling Mats
Place the cooling mat inside your freezer and bring it out whenever you think your dog might be feeling a bit too warm, especially during..

Product Review: Kongs
Product Review: Kongs
Kongs are the closest item dogs have to a baby pacifier.
Similarly, when used at the right time, Kongs make for a..
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