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Loose Leash Walking: Building Connection, Not Compliance
Loose leash walking is about connection, not control. Here’s how to build a positive, cooperative walking experience with your dog.

Dog Reactivity: Managing Distractions & Social Interactions
When working with a dog who’s easily distracted or nervous around other dogs, it’s very important to understand that each dog has..

Helping Your Dog Feel More at Ease Around Men: Tips for Calming Barking and Building Confidence
Does your dog bark at men? Learn how to create a calm and controlled environment that helps ease your dog's anxieties around new people.

Helping Your Dog Overcome Their Fear of Cars: Gradual Exposure and Trust-Building Techniques
Learn how to help your dog overcome their fear of cars by using gradual exposure and trust-building techniques during walks.

3 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make When Dealing with Barking (and How to Fix Them)
Avoid these 3 common mistakes when dealing with dog barking! Learn how to guide your dog toward calmer, better behaviours.

Building Focus and Bonding with Chino: Leash Training
Building focus and bonding with Chino: leash training tips using positive reinforcement and enrichment activities. #DogTraining

Walking My Dog on a Long Line – Building Trust and Freedom
Walking my dog on a long line builds trust and freedom, enhancing our walks. Learn why I prefer a longer leash for my dog's well-being.

A Peaceful Walk with George: Navigating Dog Noise Sensitivity
Helping George manage noise sensitivity with a peaceful walk by the tennis courts. Gradual exposure to small sounds in a safe environment.

Helping Your Dog Relax During Dinner Time
Does your dog have a tough time remaining calm and relaxed when it’s human dinner time?

3 Tips to Help Introduce New Dogs to Each Other
There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to making sure that two dogs get along with one another. You have to consider who they..

If It Feels Difficult, It Likely Is
Whether it’s during class, while you’re at work or in a social setting if it’s feeling like it’s difficult to get your dog to behave in a..

Your Dog’s Bed: There’s a Time and a Place
Teaching your dogs by forming proper associations is key. One example of this is your dog's bed. You can prevent destructive behaviours...

The Most Important Dog Training Lesson..
Working with many dogs of different demeanours, sizes, breeds and ages, I noticed that the most common issue is a lack of proper..

Treats Aren’t the Solution, Your Bond Is
When it comes to getting your dog to listen to you, you are far more likely to reach success if you've built a strong bond together..

Dog Toys Are All About Timing
There's a time for every toy, and that's how you can get the most out of them! Just like how you're more likely to play a board game when..

(Quick Answer) Why Won’t My Dog Share His Toys With Me?
Aside of it possibly being an object that is particularly special for them, your dog may be trying to get a game started that way and/or..

(Quick Steps) How do you potty train a puppy?
1. Make sure that you monitor their daily water intake to see to it that they're not drinking too much/out of boredom. 2. Log the amount..

(✅ Step by Step) Do This When Your Dog Barks at the Door
A dog's barking at the door is a natural response to the unknown/uncertain, but through our guidance, dogs can learn other ways to react..

How Can I Make It So My Dog Likes His Crate?
When it comes to crate training, and the overall association with dogs, there’s a common misconception that a create is meant to provide..

The #1 Reason Behind Your Dog's Every Action
Dog trainers provide group courses, drop-in classes, private training, and even online training. All in the hopes of helping pet parents..
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