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8 Steps to Preventing “Excited Pee” in Dogs
“Excited peeing” is common in dogs—especially puppies—but it can happen even with older dogs, and it often happens during greetings or..

4 Reasons Why I Don't Teach Sit as Much as Other Dog Trainers
While teaching the 'Sit' cue is seen as a staple in dog training, I like to take a different approach. And thus you'd probably have a..

Understanding Dog Humping (During the Holidays and All Year Round)
Overstimulation triggers dog humping. Master these tips to keep your pup calm and your holiday gatherings stress-free!

Loose Leash Walking: Building Connection, Not Compliance
Loose leash walking is about connection, not control. Here’s how to build a positive, cooperative walking experience with your dog.

Dog Reactivity: Managing Distractions & Social Interactions
When working with a dog who’s easily distracted or nervous around other dogs, it’s very important to understand that each dog has..

Helping Your Dog Feel More at Ease Around Men: Tips for Calming Barking and Building Confidence
Does your dog bark at men? Learn how to create a calm and controlled environment that helps ease your dog's anxieties around new people.

Helping Your Dog Overcome Their Fear of Cars: Gradual Exposure and Trust-Building Techniques
Learn how to help your dog overcome their fear of cars by using gradual exposure and trust-building techniques during walks.

3 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make When Dealing with Barking (and How to Fix Them)
Avoid these 3 common mistakes when dealing with dog barking! Learn how to guide your dog toward calmer, better behaviours.

Remember THIS the Next Time Your Dog Is Being 'Difficult'
Remember these tips for understanding dog behaviour when your pup is being difficult. Patience and empathy are key in dog training.

Enhancing Dog Engagement: A Walk with Gryffin
Creating positive, pressure-free experiences during dog walks is crucial for their well-being. Learn how to enhance dog engagement and manag

Walking My Dog on a Long Line – Building Trust and Freedom
Walking my dog on a long line builds trust and freedom, enhancing our walks. Learn why I prefer a longer leash for my dog's well-being.

A Peaceful Walk with George: Navigating Dog Noise Sensitivity
Helping George manage noise sensitivity with a peaceful walk by the tennis courts. Gradual exposure to small sounds in a safe environment.

3 Tips to Help Introduce New Dogs to Each Other
There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to making sure that two dogs get along with one another. You have to consider who they..

If It Feels Difficult, It Likely Is
Whether it’s during class, while you’re at work or in a social setting if it’s feeling like it’s difficult to get your dog to behave in a..

"My dog dislikes my partner/friend/family.. Help!"
It’s tough dealing with a situation where your little one is generally social and friendly with most. But yet, for one reason or another..

(✅ Step by Step) Do This When Your Dog Barks at the Door
A dog's barking at the door is a natural response to the unknown/uncertain, but through our guidance, dogs can learn other ways to react..

Is My Dog Actually Feeling Tired?
Recognizing when your dog is feeling tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, or overstimulated can make all the difference when it comes to..

My Favourite Lesson to Teach a Puppy
Over the years, as a dog trainer, I’ve had multiple opportunities to work with new puppy families of different backgrounds, ways of..

Why Do Dogs Pull When On Leash?
I think you'll agree with me when I say that a dog pulling on their leash is something that doesn't make going for a walk fun at all..

One of My Top Secret Dog Training Tips!
Have you noticed how most of your dog’s communication is non-verbal? The majority of it is physical and carefully done through body language
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