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(Quick Answer) How Can I Stop My Puppy From Biting?
The most important part about a bite, or any unwanted behaviour, is figuring out why it happened in the first place. I firmly believe that..

(Quick Answer) 5 Reasons to Let Your Dog Sniff on Walks
1. It’s the dog version of scrolling through social media to see what’s up, who has been where, and what’s going on in the area.

(Quick Answer) Why Does My Dog Keep Licking Me?
To show you their affection and trust, grow your bond while licking is also a calming and relaxing activity dogs do for themselves and one..

(Quick Answer) Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?
To communicate and show how they're feeling there and then! A wagging tail can mean friendliness, happiness, excitement and feeling good abo

(Quick Answer) What’s the Best Way to Train a Dog?
Positive reinforcement, fun and force-free (harm-free) methods are the best way to encourage your dog to repeat behaviours that you are happ

(Quick Answer) Need to Upgrade Your Dog’s Food Bowl?
Snuffle mats are 100% of a time a better choice over food bowls!
Not only are they fun for dogs to use and snuffle out every piece, but..

(Quick Answer) How Can I Help My Dog Relax After Training?
The nose is the key!
Think of it this way: After a long day of work, above we use our eyes and ears to consume content (a movie, music..

(Quick Answer) Should I Allow My Dog to Sleep on My Bed?
This is entirely up to your preference! Whether you want your dog to sleep with you on your bed, or their own space (their own bed or..

(Quick Answer) Is It Good to Teach My Dog to Protect Me?
Generally speaking no. This can be a cause of stress for dogs and oftentimes the scenarios where it looks like our dogs are 'protecting' us

(Quick Answer) Does My Dog Want to Dominate Me if He Walks in Front?
Absolutely not!
Chances are that if your dog is walking out in front if you is because they're simply eager and looking forward to get..

(Quick Answer) If I Train With Food Will I Always Have to Use Food?
Absolutely not! However.. as we ourselves get paid for the work and efforts we do, there's no reason our dogs shouldn't get compensated..

(Quick Answer) Do I Have to Consider My Dog’s Breed When Training?
100% However not in terms of what type of training but rather what type of enrichment activities and exercises you should consider based..

(Quick Answer) Why Does My Dog Have Separation Anxiety?
Dogs are very social animals, some even more than others. Which makes it so that being left alone can be very challenging at times..

(Quick Answer) How to Teach a Dog to Fetch Something?
First practice in a closed space with few distractions. Throw the ball and say "Go get it!" and patiently (and quietly) wait for your dog..

(Quick Answer) How to Get a Dog to Let Go of an Object?
Do not chase your dog, instead wait nearby for him to relax as much as possible and presenting them with a strong smell (chicken, bacon..

(Quick Answer) How Long Are Dogs Pregnant For?
Female dogs are pregnant for around 62-63 days (or just over 2 months) with each trimester being roughly 21 days in length.

(Quick Answer) How to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on Dog?
Use a commercial de-skunking spray, or if worse comes to worst, combine 3-4 parts hydrogen peroxide to one part of baking soda with a..

(Quick Answer) How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Poop?
First and foremost make sure you take your dog to your vet (and it never hurts to get a second opinion!)..

(Quick Answer) How Can I Increase My Dog’s Interest in His Kibble?
Change how your dog sees their food! The reason dogs love treats is not only the taste but rather how we present each piece to them..

(Quick Answer) How Much Water Should My Puppy Drink?
An ounce per pound is a common ground rule you will hear but you can double check with your vet as well as take into account your dog's..
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