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(Quick Answer) Where Can I Learn More About My Dog’s Breed?
1. 2. Facebook groups. Breed-centric Facebook groups consist of pet parents who live and have experience with your..

(Quick Answer) When Can I Start Training My Puppy?
As soon as you get your pup!
See with your vet and training school as to how soon you can join their group classes but you should be able..

(Quick Answer) What Is Clicker Training?
A lot of dog trainers and their students will use a dog clicker (a small object that makes a click sound) to help train and condition..

(Quick Answer) Why Is My Puppy Barking All the Time?
Some pups are more vocal than others, but whenever you're feeling frustrated with a behaviour your puppy is doing and you don't understand..

(Quick Answer) What Should I Do if My Puppy Has a Potty Accident?
The best thing you can do is move on from it! Chances are it could have either been prevented (by us) in some way and/or your puppy just..

(Quick Answer) When Should I Start Crate Training My Puppy?
The sooner the better! Crate training should first start as an engaging activity (snuffling, hiding food, hiding toys inside) to get your..

(Quick Answer) If My Dog Doesn’t Say Hi on Walks Is That Bad?
Not at all! Dogs are very social animals however they are also individuals. Not all dogs want to/need to meet on walks and there can be..

(Quick Answer) Should I Pickup My Dog While on Walks?
There's a lot of misconception about when we should or shouldn't pickup our dog in our arms.
When your dog is feeling overwhelmed, tired..

(Quick Answer) If I Use Dog Treats With My Dog, Will I Always Need Them?
Not at all! Treats are a very effective and an amazing way of letting your dog know that he has done something you are happy with...

(Quick Answer) If I Feed My Dog Human Food, Will They Not Want Their Kibble Anymore?
It depends.
If you would like to provide human food (please double check with your veterinarian) to your dog, this can be a great rare..

(Quick Answer) What Is Puppy Socialization?
Most people think of puppy socialization in terms of meeting other dogs, puppies and people but it's so much more than that!..

How Do I Pick the Right Pup for Me?
Consider your lifestyle and compare it to the breed you're going for, what they're bred to do and you can even lookup Facebook groups for..

(Quick Answer) When Should I Ask My Dog to Sit?
We added this question to tackle it in a more deeper manner than you might think!
You can and should be able to provide your dog with..

Dogs Learn by Association - What Does That Mean?
You may hear from dog trainers that dogs learn by association. This means that dogs learn by associating a feeling to a situation..
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