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5 Steps to Encourage Calm Moments & Emotional Regulation
Discover how to reinforce emotional regulation naturally, especially in social settings, to encourage calm responses and thinking skills.

3 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make When Dealing with Barking (and How to Fix Them)
Avoid these 3 common mistakes when dealing with dog barking! Learn how to guide your dog toward calmer, better behaviours.

Potty Training: Should I Use Bells?
I personally don’t recommend using bells, where your dog needs to ring it to signal that they need a bathroom break. In general, it’s..

(Podcast) #PetParentsAsk Ep. 9: Why Does My Puppy Pee So Often?
Why Does My Puppy Pee So Often? Only had the new puppy for less than a week, and I am exhausted. She's five months old and as sweet as ca

(Quick Answer) Why Won’t My Dog Share His Toys With Me?
Aside of it possibly being an object that is particularly special for them, your dog may be trying to get a game started that way and/or..

(Podcast) #PetParentsAsk Ep. 8: Why Does My Puppy Only Pee in One Spot?
Why Does My Puppy Only Pee in One Spot? Question about potty training. I often see advice from trainers to take the puppy to the same spot..

(Quick Steps) How do you potty train a puppy?
1. Make sure that you monitor their daily water intake to see to it that they're not drinking too much/out of boredom. 2. Log the amount..

(Podcast) #PetParentsAsk Ep. 7: How Do I Reward My Puppy Without Getting Them Excited?
New puppy mom as of a few weeks ago and saying that it's been hard is an understatement. I understand the concept of praising good..

How Can I Make It So My Dog Likes His Crate?
When it comes to crate training, and the overall association with dogs, there’s a common misconception that a create is meant to provide..

(Podcast) #PetParentsAsk Ep. 6: How to Stop My Puppy From Biting on the Pee Pad?
How to Stop My Puppy From Biting on the Pee Pad? Any tips on how to get my puppy to not bite the pee pad when she's in the crate /playpen..

My Favourite Lesson to Teach a Puppy
Over the years, as a dog trainer, I’ve had multiple opportunities to work with new puppy families of different backgrounds, ways of..

Why Do Dogs Pull When On Leash?
I think you'll agree with me when I say that a dog pulling on their leash is something that doesn't make going for a walk fun at all..

The #1 Reason Behind Your Dog's Every Action
Dog trainers provide group courses, drop-in classes, private training, and even online training. All in the hopes of helping pet parents..

Hiring a Dog Trainer: 5 Red Flags
Nobody is perfect! Whether it's a product or service you're looking for, at the end of the day you're dealing with another individual, senti

One of My Top Secret Dog Training Tips!
Have you noticed how most of your dog’s communication is non-verbal? The majority of it is physical and carefully done through body language

How To Stop Your Dog From Barking At The Door
Dogs bark, they react and make decisions based on what they know and how they feel. The difference between one dog’s reactivity vs another,

(✅ Step by Step) Potty Train a Puppy in 6 Quick Steps
1. Monitor your puppy's daily water intake using a doggy water bottle instead of using water bowls (unless you're away).
2. Write down..

Tips for Socializing Your Dog With Other Pets
Aside from coming home to a household that already has a dog, puppies or dogs will also find themselves in homes with other different..

8 Reasons You Should Stop Saying “No” to Your Dog
You and I navigate and make sense of the world around with our voice. And so it’s normal that we try using our voice to guide and train..

(Quick Answer) How Can I Stop My Puppy From Biting?
The most important part about a bite, or any unwanted behaviour, is figuring out why it happened in the first place. I firmly believe that..
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